5 Ways to Sculpt Your Honeymoon Abs
July 25, 2019
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Let’s talk abs.
There are hundreds of ways that will allegedly get you sculpted abs, but what we really want to get down to the nitty gritty of is the core. Much in the same way that the core of an apple keeps the fruit intact, the core of our bodies are our source of strength and movement. Without this strengthen and stabilization, a flat stomach is nearly impossible.
Working the core requires total-body focus, good form, and movements that stretch and elongate the stomach. And surprisingly, this doesn’t come from two of the most popular exercises: planks and crunches.
First, planks are supposed to put all the weight in your core, allowing you to tighten and squeeze the abs for an extended period of time. But most of us aren’t doing planks the way they’re intended. Instead of putting the focus on the abs, it’s easy to load up the arms and legs, or strain the shoulders or neck in the process. Similarly, crunches and sit ups put a lot of strain on the back and spine instead of actually targeting the abdominal muscles.
That’s not to say that you need to abandon these moves altogether. Instead, it’s important to weave in moves that fully activate the core and work to tone the ab muscles from all angles. The moves ahead are the best way to get flat, toned abs – with no crunches or planks in sight.
Front Leg Lift
Stand with right knee bent at 90-degrees in front of you, and a soft bend in the standing leg with fingers interlaced behind your head. Flex your lifted foot, and slowly extend the knee, pressing your right foot out at an angle in front of you. Keeping the foot hovered, slowly rebend the knee, returning to a 90-degree angle at hip height. Repeat 8 reps, then switch legs.
Standing Gate Swing
Stand with right knee bent at 90-degrees in front of you, and a soft bend in the standing leg, fingers interlaced behind your head. Slowly start squeeze from the glute to bring your lifted knee out to the right, keeping a 90-degree bend, and engaging the core to keep balance as you draw the knee back to center. Repeat 8 reps, then switch legs.
Slow Mountain Gliders
Start in a high plank position with each foot on a glider, feet hip distance apart. Slowly start to bring your right knee in towards your chest, but stopping the knee in line with your hips at a 90-degree bend. Slowly press the right leg straight while at the same time bringing the left knee in. Continue to alternate slowly, keeping the feet hips distance apart, for 8 reps on each side.
Bent Knee Taps
Lay with your back firmly on the mat, legs lifted into tabletop with knees at 90-degrees. Keep arms down by your sides and head resting on the mat. Keeping your left leg completely still, lower your right foot half-way down towards the bottom right corner of your mat. Pause, then pull the knee back in to start. Repeat 8 reps, then switch legs. Use with the p.ball for increased intensity.
90-Degree Shift Out
Lay with your back firmly on the mat, legs lifted into tabletop with knees at 90-degrees. Keep arms down by your sides and head resting on the mat. Flex the feet and slowly start to shift the feet forward 1-3 inches without fully extending the knees. Pause, then bring the knees back in line with the hips. Repeat for 8 reps. Use with p.ball for increased intensity.
Celebrity trainer Stephen Pasterino is the founder and creator of P.volve – a unique fitness method that’s great for honeymooners or destination wedding couples! For more info, and to look into streaming additional workouts, visit pvolve.com.