The 5 Senses Post Wedding Ritual
July 4, 2022
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Rituals are often an integral part of a wedding ceremony, from the reading of vows to the ring exchange to candle lighting. Wedding rituals are steeped in history and tradition and are further shaped by religious and personal preferences. There are also rituals to enjoy after your wedding day, where you and your loved one can celebrate, in private, your newly found unity, bond and devotion to one another.
Adora Winquist, a modern World-Renowned Alchemist, aromatherapy expert, and Author of Detox, Nourish, Activate: Plant and Vibrational Medicine for Energy, Mood, and Love, offers the following advice:
“This post-wedding ritual will delight all 5 of your senses – Hear, Smell, Sight, Touch & Taste – and further anchor your commitment to one another, to your vows undertaken and to your love,” says Adora.
The 5 Senses Post Wedding Ritual:
Set aside 2-3 hours of time when you will not feel rushed or pulled to other tasks and events. You will need:
- your favorite sensual aroma for anointing or an Adora Winquist Commemoration Formula
- pens and paper
- one white candle
- something sweet to eat
- sea salt
Find a comfortable space, preferably outdoors, and sit facing one another. Light your candle and anoint each other’s forehead, heart and navel reverently.
As you are anointing each other, offer a sentiment to each other like this, “ I bless you in love and hold your heart within mine.”
Take a deep breath in of the oil while opening your heart more deeply to each other.
Take a few minutes and jot down something from your heart to your beloved’s, perhaps some quality you are grateful for or something you would like to create in your future. When you are done, read your intentions while gazing deeply into each other’s eyes, the gateway to the soul.
Take a pinch of salt and leave it on the earth as a blessing and offering of gratitude.
Complete your ritual by tasting your sweet treat.
“Curious why I asked you to set aside 2-3 hours for this when your ritual didn’t take half that time? Relax, breathe and spend some time with your loved one. You both deserve it,” says Winquist.